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Choose your access level. ⬇️

Please allow me to personally help you!

With a VIP ticket, you will:

  • ...build relationships with other VIP centers of influence at our VIP mixers.

  • ...get the tools (more than $10K in value) you need (See the Diamond or above level) so you can better create abundance through generosity. These tools are perfect for YOU and YOUR TEAM. Without the tools, you'd be solely responsible for implementing action items from this event.

  • ...connect with like-minded friends in a special community who will help you attract your dream partners, investors, influencers and clients with an authentic authority and platform.

  • ...get access to all the notes, links, and resources you'll need from our sessions so you and your team can take ACTION! I want you to relax and be 100% present with each speaker!

  • ...be celebrated far and wide to our enormous audience on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Podcast. (Platinum VIP pass only)

  • ...spend 30-minutes together with me where I can make personal connections and guidance. (Platinum VIP pass only)

  • ...connect with our speakers who will be available to you as a VIP attendee to help you get clarity around how your customers truly want to engage and buy.❤️ This way of business is working for them!!

  • ...better implement everything. With 40+ speakers worth of content, I want you to have access to these materials so you can take action with what you learn over the weeks and months ahead. It's going to be a firehose full of amazing ideas for success. Every speaker is going to over-deliver on value. You'll need a VIP ticket for continued access beyond the 3 days.

  • ...be introduced and promoted at our speaker mixers!

  • With a VIP ticket, my speakers and I can REALLY empower and connect you!

Choose: Gold, Diamond, or Platinum


  • Unlimited access to each of the 40+ speaker sessions. (Each day will open up a new day of sessions for you).

  • Unlimited access to all sessions after event dates. Don't lose out on what you've learned!

  • Session notes, slides, checklists, links, and everything else you need to take immediate action!

A $1000 Value


Everything in Gold +

  • Speaker VIP pack - valued at more than $10,000 in tools, resources, access.

  • Special virtual mixer with Josh, select speakers, and other diamond and platinum attendees - where you'll get the opportunity to network and share what you do. We hope to gain you ten or more new meaningful connections.

A $11150 Value


Everything in Diamond +

  • PLATINUM gift pack - which expands on the speaker VIP pack with more gifts - and includes access to influencers, and time with select speakers.

  • 30-minute coaching session with Josh.

  • Additional platinum virtual mixer with Josh, select speakers, and other platinum attendees - for high-level networking and connections.

  • We'll feature you and your company on a 5-minute segment on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Daily Podcast to an audience of over 100K.

A $18150 Value

Who should we celebrate?Excited to have you join us!
Choose your access levelGain unlimited access to sessions, gifts, and visibility for your brand by claiming your VIP ticket.

A free general admission ticket will only give you 24-hour limited access to the speaker sessions.

My message to you...

Thank you so much for joining us. My hope is to inspire less spam, salesiness, and treating people like numbers for financial gain.

No more sliding into DMs, using manipulative sales language, and scarcity thinking when it comes to business.


I envision a world where business leaders openly serve one another and rapidly expand their network. I know this from decades of business leadership:

Your network is your net worth.

You cannot out-give the market when you lead with integrity and generosity.

Treat your customers and guests like adults. Like you, they're brilliant enough to know what they want and need. You are there to give and inspire.

  • Want to build relationships with our speakers and other VIP attendees?

  • Want unlimited access to content and bonuses?

Hurry! The VIP Access Ticket is available at this price until Tuesday, Nov. 1st at 11:59pm EST.

Join our community of over 130K!

UpMyInfluence © 2024

1928 Proctor Ave. Orlando, FL 32817